#53 Special: Three Flexpats' practical advice

China Flexpat - A podcast by Patrick Frick & Francis Kremer


Three successful flexpats are sharing their advice and experience in one episode! 27 minutes well spent for your China preparation! 1) How a Chinese professional comes to Germany to study and work for a large German company. How she plans to eventually go back to China (after 15 years), with her family. Back in Germany she starts her own consulting business and also teaches at a university. 2) How a German expat family leaves Germany, goes to Slowakia and then China, working for a large German company and finally starts her own company, back in Germany, to help female expats to plan their career. 3) How a European architect is attracted to China, gets international experience and wants to start his own business with a global design network. 4) How business women in China can combine career and family. Its so much easier than in Europe. 5) How European students and professionals can prepare for a career in China. 6) Don`t just dream of a great career and family. Do it!