#54 Updated: Alibaba & Soft skills with Yassine Regragui

China Flexpat - A podcast by Patrick Frick & Francis Kremer


French FinTec expert, Yassine Regragui, has worked at Alibaba and Alipay for several years and was responsible for launching the multi-lingual version of Alipay. This task has been a huge challenge, which Yassine succesfully overcame because he had the right mindset and was able to embrace change quickly. He adapted to Jack Ma's core values. To succeed at Alibaba you need an IQ, EQ and the LQ. What exactly these values are, we have discussed in an exciting 16 minutes episode. This episode has a strong focus on soft skills which are crucial for your success in China. Food for thought: Ask yourself - do I have a network and do I add value? Having a foreigner in a Chinese company system is a positive provocation and keeps the system developing! Beside my hard skills - do I have the necessary soft skills? Am I emotionally intelligent? Can I adapt to new teams 12 times in a short time? Can I speak to people in their mother tongue? Follow Yassine on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yassineregragui/ www.yassineregragui.com