#61 Understanding China with Frank Sieren

China Flexpat - A podcast by Patrick Frick & Francis Kremer


Frank Sieren is a bestselling author, documentary film maker (ARD and ZDF) and China specialist for various German newspapers and magazines. He has been living in Beijing / China since 1994. The London Times calls him "a leading China expert in Germany." In this episode Frank shares his bird's eye perspective on the labor market for foreigners in China and delivers a very clear message: Get unique skills and see the world through Chinese eyes if you want to get a job and succeed in the Middle Kingdom. Key learnings in 30 minutes: If you’re highly specialised in key technologies, you can make demands. In more traditional fields it’s becoming more difficult. Westerners in China need to see the world through Chinese eyes and history. In the past, the west has set the tone in business. That changed. Shenzhen beats Silicon Valley in many ways. Now is the time to copy from China while sticking to our values. Follow Frank on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-sieren-0123056b/ Get access to the daily briefing of China Table: https://table.media/china/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0emHBhC1ARIsAL1QGNdMYW1Uzt8GziKlYw2jkApjMAP3KrdwmYAygRxQY6HjwYJmN4m82LEaApQpEALw_wcB Get Frank Sieren's latest book "Shenzhen" https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B086VDNQC4/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=frank+sieren&qid=1627049990&sr=8-1