Can Acupuncture improve IVF success? Talking research with Amy Forth, Acupuncturist & Researcher S3 Ep6
Chinese Medicine Podcast - A podcast by Marie Hopkinson
Is Acupuncture effective in helping fertility, particularly when undergoing an IVF cycle? What does the current research say AND how do we interpret that data? It can be super confusing, even for practitioners who are not academics or researchers to understand how it all fits in the current body of evidence. Amy Forth, an expert on this topic, helps us understand the research, the current evidence and unpacks it to an easy level. If you are curios about the use of Acupuncture as part of supporting an IVF cycle, this episode is one that’s not to me missed, as we chat about what kinds of studies have been done, the number of participants (why that's important) the kind of control groups used (and we explain what that means) and what is “sham acupuncture” and what often happens to research results when different controls or placebos are used. Amy also discusses how the research helps us to understand “therapeutic dose” of acupuncture which is something we don’t talk about enough - EG - how many treatments should a person have and does it make a difference? This is all based on the current research. If you are listening only, please check out the video version of this interview where all the research discussed has screen-shots /PowerPoint slides embedded which can help you guide along the way. YOUTUBE LINK: Can Acupuncture improve IVF success? Talking Research with Amy Forth About Amy Forth: Amy is both a clinician, an integrative medicine researcher and an educator. Amy holds a Bachelor health Science Chinese med ( acupuncture and herbs) and Masters in Global health. Amy’s practice at The Acupuncture Pregnancy Clinic Alexandria. Clinic Phone: 0403180611 Clinic Email: [email protected] Find more information about Amy Forth and her practice: Marie Hopkinson: [email protected] / CLINIC: (Perth, Western Australia) IMPORTANT: This episode as with all videos/audios on the The Chinese Medicine Podcast are NOT a replacement for a health professional diagnosis. While Marie may answer your questions, all answers are not of a professional consultation level - it is impossible to check your pulse through the internet, hence Chinese medicine cannot be practiced properly through the internet. If you have any undiagnosed symptoms, or changes in your health condition The Chinese Medicine Podcast urges you to see your own doctor, GP, Chinese medicine practitioner, acupuncturist or other health professional as appropriate. If it is an emergency call 000 in Australia. If you are unsure if this advice is appropriate for your individual situation ask your own practitioner before applying any diet or lifestyle techniques /concepts discussed in this video. The purpose of this video is to educate about Herbs, Acupuncture and natural medicine but NOT to replace the your own health care practitioner.