Feel Happier Instantly - Know Your Character Strengths Part 1 S2 Ep5

Chinese Medicine Podcast - A podcast by Marie Hopkinson

Using one of your top 5 strengths in a new way is a method used by  Psychologist, Martin Seligman and his theories of Strengths and virtues  are well known. You an use this as a free way to find instant happiness  in your own life, right now. This is a huge part of whats now known as  Positive Psychology.   THERE IS A PART 2, 3 and 4 coming in this series.   Take the free test here: https://www.viacharacter.org/   I've used this personalty test with hundreds of patients and students  over the years, and found it incredibly useful for myself as well. This  isn't strictly Chinese Medicine BUT, it is incredibly relevant to the  aspects of understanding ourselves and our interaction with the world  (a Very Chinese Medicine concept) ... The VIA Strengths test is based on  the research by well known Psychologist, Martin Seligman and his book,  Strengths and Virtues.  Its worth 10 minutes of your time to find out about yourself.  Once you've taken the test, you'll get an email with your top 5  strengths...what then? -    One way to instantly increase happiness is to pick one of those  strengths and do something new in it today. For instance if your strength is "Appreciation of Beauty" you could take  a walk in your lunch break with the specific goal to find beautiful  things around you.  If your strength is creativity - you could explore something so new and  different - often creative people enjoy taking risks or exploring  something new...or you could dig around in the closet /shed for that old  dusty guitar and start to play it again. Maybe join an creative craft  group and learn how to knit!  If your strength is Courage you could plan to do something adventurous  today Kindness? - make a cake for you neighbor, buy a blanket for that  homeless guy who hangs out the front of your local supermarket ...you  get the idea. Judgement (Critical Thinking / open mindedness) - start a blog on a  topic your passionate about. Teamwork - Join your local sports club, volunteer with a group who meet  together to clean up the environment...get involved in a group with  similar passions or interests.  There are 24 different character strengths/virtues (check them out in  the chart below) ...and lots of ways to use them, but it all starts with  knowing what are your individual traits.  Next week I'm going to do a video series on how to use this and how I've  used it to help my patients and students live a happier and healthier  life.  I hope you have fun learning about yourself with the test.  Marie's practice/contact details:   MARIE HOPKINSON, Registered Chinese Herbalist and Acupuncturist in  Australia (AHPRA)  Consultations for treatment (individual) please call my clinic office to  book in: 08 93289233 (Perth Natural Medical Clinic) or  go to : http://www.bespokemedicine.net/ Email [email protected]  Facebook:  fb.me/bespokemedicine IMPORTANT: This video, as with all videos on the The Chinese Medicine  Podcast are NOT a replacement for a health professional diagnosis.If you have any undiagnosed symptoms, or changes in your health  condition The Chinese Medicine Podcast urges you to see your own doctor,  GP, Chinese medicine practitioner, acupuncturist or other health  professional as appropriate. If it is an emergency call 000 in  Australia. If you are unsure if this advice is appropriate for your  individual situation ask your own practitioner before applying any diet  or lifestyle techniques /concepts discussed in this audio.