Help to set goals for 2020 Part 1 - The Mind body connection series

Chinese Medicine Podcast - A podcast by Marie Hopkinson

Are you struggling to set a new year resolution or  goals let alone feel in  touch with your life purpose?  Chinese Medicine can explain why we go  through periods in life feeling less or more purposeful. In this episode  Marie looks at how your life purpose is affected by the physical  aspects in our body  Emotions - Grief, sadness, depression, anxiety, fear, worry, anger,  frustration and resentment also play a part in our bodies ability to  maintain the right balance which leads us to a sense of purpose and  fulfillment or direction in life.    Chinese Medicine Podcast is available to watch on youtube in video format.   Marie's practice details:   MARIE HOPKINSON, Registered Chinese Herbalist and Acupuncturist in  Australia (AHPRA)  Marie practices acupuncture and herbs in Perth, WA   Consultations for treatment (individual) please call my clinic office to  book in: 08 93289233 (Perth Natural Medical Clinic) or  go to : Email [email protected]  Facebook: IMPORTANT: This video, as with all videos on the The Chinese Medicine  Podcast are NOT a replacement for a health professional diagnosis. While  Marie may answer your questions, all answers are not of a professional  consultation level - it is impossible to check your pulse through the  internet, hence Chinese medicine cannot be practiced properly through  the internet. If you have any undiagnosed symptoms, or changes in your  health condition The Chinese Medicine Podcast urges you to see your own  doctor, GP, Chinese medicine practitioner, acupuncturist or other health  professional as appropriate. If it is an emergency call 000 in  Australia. If you are unsure if this advice is appropriate for your  individual situation ask your own practitioner before applying any diet  or lifestyle techniques /concepts discussed in this video.   Marie Hopkinson and The Chinese Medicine Podcast wishes you the best of  health and improvement in your own health journey.