Don't do stuff, with Ryan Guth

Choir Ninja, with Ryan Guth - A podcast by Ryan Guth


Spend time doing what you do best–directing your choir, and less time on repetitive or menial tasks that your kids would absolutely love to do. Here are some jobs you can outsource to members of your choir! .form{width:580px; height:280px; background-color:#F3F3F3; border:1px dashed #cacaca; border-radius:5px; font-family:open sans;} .main{margin-left:20px; margin-top:10px;} .head{color:#5d5d5d; font-family:open sans;width: 100%;} .name{ width: 35%; float: left;} .email{width: 35%; float: left;} form{width: 100%;} input[type="email"], input[type="password"], input[type="text"], select, textarea{ margin :0px !important; } Register for Choir Nation ReDirect Launch Webinar! Grab your spot! Seats are limited to 100! Full name* Email* Register Powered by   Listen     Have kids do these items... Documenting processes Attendance One child per class Section leaders Librarian Check-in/Check-out Numbering new music Databasing the library labeling Room decor Bulletin boards Gathering photos Making posters of certain concepts you talk about in class Cleaning Concert set up Risers Piano Blocking off seats Hanging signs Greeters Ushers Audio Lighting Moving heavy stuff Risers Rearranging chairs between ensembles Musical help Accompanying Practice Tracks Extra instruments/chamber ensemble Warm-ups Going over markings Measuring for uniforms Organizing informal field trips/bonding days Social Media Graphic Design Posters Concert Programs Promotion Social Media Write annoucements To their clubs Social circles Selling Tickets Ads Fundraisers Support the show on