They Live is a B-Movie But the ‘B’ Stands for Brilliant | CineFix Top 100

CineFix Top 100 - A podcast by CINEFIX & Clint Gage


“I’m giving you a choice. Either put on these glasses or start eating that trash can.” CineFix Top 100's FIRST T-SHIRT IS HERE - Get the Ikiru / Uncut Gems mash-up you never knew you needed until right this very moment! John Carpenter’s They Live from 1988 was a stiff middle finger to Reagan era consumerism with the swagger of a professional wrestler. The story of a drifter uncovering a vast alien conspiracy to keep humanity subjugated with hypnotic suggestion and subliminal messages is a schlocky b-movie veneer on maybe the most prescient political film of the 80s. Clint, Cal and Alex talk about smartly deployed idiocy, the sneaky difficulty of the film’s black and white photography and the Nostradamus-level prediction Carpenter made 40 years ago that’s absolutely come true. Meanwhile, Dan’s algorithm is here to chew bubblegum and kickass, but it’s still got plenty of bubblegum left so nobody’s getting their ass kicked just yet. CineFix Top 100 was created by Clint Gage and Dan Parkhurst and is produced by Tayo Oyekan, with Director of Photography, Jamie Parslow and Technical Producers, Marhyan Franzen and Amir Rakib. Our Executive Producers are Clint Gage and Corrado Caretto. Logo and graphic design by Eric Sapp and title animations by Casey Redmon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit