Quick Cineversary announcement

Cineversary - A podcast by Erik J Martin - Thursdays


This is your friendly neighborhood Cineversary podcast host, Erik Martin, here to let you know that we will not be posting a Cineversary episode for June, in case you were patiently waiting for this month's installment. And the reason being is that I've been doing some vacationing with family and then recuperating from some minor surgery – nothing serious, rest assured – which means I've not had the bandwidth or ability to create an episode for June. But the good news is that Cineversary will be back a month from now with a double feature of sorts – we will be celebrating major anniversaries of two different Spielberg works in July: the 30th anniversary of Schindler's list, and the 25th birthday of Saving Private Ryan. I've got a pair of fantastic guests lined up for that show, the first being acclaimed film historian Annette Insdorf, and the second our go to Spielberg expert Baylor University film professor James Kendrick, who returns for his third consecutive summer time appearance on Cineversary.