CPS Leader Pedro Martinez on Budget: ‘Equitable Doesn’t Mean Enough’
City Cast Chicago - A podcast by City Cast
Chicago Public Schools’ enrollment has dropped by more than 100,000 students in the last twenty years. And in Chicago, fewer students mean less money for a school. While the median school will see an increase of about $80,000 dollars next year, the 2022-2023 budget proposal has 40% of schools losing an average of $220,000 dollars, mostly in Black and brown neighborhoods. Despite cuts, district CEO Pedro Martinez calls this budget, “CPS’s most equitable ever,” claiming many schools will see investments in new teachers, smaller class sizes, and more support staff. As some parents, principals, and teachers say these cuts continue a vicious cycle of disinvestment in neighborhood schools, we sit down with Pedro Martinez to address ongoing concerns. Follow us on Twitter: @CityCastChicago Sign up for our newsletter: chicago.citycast.fm Call or Text Us: (773) 780-0246