Ending Cash Bail, Chicago’s Secret Hangout, and Beyoncé's Here
City Cast Chicago - A podcast by City Cast
Earlier this week the Illinois Supreme Court ruled 5-2 to uphold the state’s elimination of cash bail, making Illinois the first state to officially end the practice. The law will go into effect September 18. Host Jacoby Cochran, Politico Playbook Reporter Shia Kapos and Tribune Music Critic Britt Julious recap the long road to abolish cash bail and what this means for individuals facing pretrial detention. We also talk Chicago’s American Legion social hubs, recap this week’s City Council meeting, and celebrate a music-packed weekend including Pitchfork & Beyoncé! Want some more City Cast Chicago news? Then make sure to sign up for our Hey Chicago newsletter. Follow us @citycastchicago You can also text us or leave a voicemail at: 773 780-0246 Interested in advertising with City Cast? Find more info HERE