Why Chicago Fell in Love with Piping Plovers
City Cast Chicago - A podcast by City Cast
Beginning in 2019, two names dominated headlines and became a love story Chicago could get behind. Monty and Rose were piping plovers who came to nest, and fell in love, at Montrose Beach. Piping plovers are an endangered species, but birders and other volunteers began protecting Monty and Rose, and eventually their offspring, while educating the public about the tiny birds. City Cast Chicago producer Simone Alicea went to Montrose Beach with bird monitor Ann Hetzel Gunkel to learn more about piping plovers, and asks: “Why should we care about about these birds?” Some Good News: Check out the online auction for the Carole Robertson Center for Learning's annual gala Want some more City Cast Chicago news? Then make sure to sign up for our Hey Chicago newsletter. Follow us @citycastchicago You can also text us or leave a voicemail at: 773 780-0246 Interested in advertising with City Cast? Find more info HERE