Episode #304: Sneaky signs of mental fatigue + a Neurocycle to heal mental fatigue

CLEANING UP YOUR MENTAL MESS with Dr. Caroline Leaf - A podcast by Dr. Caroline Leaf

Early bird tickets on sale now for my 2021 Mental Health Retreat: https://www.drleafconference.com Get a free Cleaning up your Mental Mess workbook when you sign up for my weekly newsletter at drleaf.com SHOW DESCRIPTION: You may have even heard of the terms like “pandemic fatigue” or “election fatigue”—really, the word fatigue can be added to any major event and I am sure at least one person will understand what that feels like. I personally have experienced this, and so many people have asked me about how to manage this, which is exactly what I am going to talk about in this podcast: how to manage mental fatigue and exhaustion. Read the show blog here: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/the-sneaky-signs-of-mental-fatigue-a-neurocycle-to-heal-mental-fatigue OFFERS FROM OUR SPONSORS: -Memore, my favorite whole food powders: And my listeners can get up to 30% off their next order at yourmemore.com/LEAF. -NOOM: For more info see: noom.com/DRLEAF. -Ana Luisa Jewelry (my favorite for gifts!): Get 20% off with their summer sale at https://shop.analuisa.com/drleaf PODCAST HIGHLIGHTS: 5:50 How your environment can impact mind & brain health 6:20 The difference between “off” days & mental fatigue 7:15 The 3 parts of the mind 11:20 What is the conscious mind & how does it get tired? 15:30 Signs you may be suffering from mental fatigue 17:15 The relationship between mental effort & mental fatigue 19:00 Some warning signals of mental fatigue 22:30 The difference between toxic & creative mental fatigue 24:30, 29:13 How to use mind-management & the Neurocycle to deal with mental fatigue -Get my new book Cleaning up Your Mental Mess here: https://www.cleaningupyourmentalmess.com -Download my new and improved brain detox app here: https://neurocycle.app -Sign up to join my free text program and receive mental health care tips. Just text DRLEAF to 1 (833) 285 3747 Follow me on social media for daily mental health tips & strategies: -Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/- -Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf -Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf