Episode 251 - Travis Gribble
Cleared Hot - A podcast by Andy Stumpf
Travis Gribble retired in February of 2022 after 23 years in law enforcement. For half of his career, he worked in Michigan for a small Sheriff's Department, and then the other half was in Mesa, Arizona. Travis served in a SWAT capacity for a total of 16 years with 9 of those years being full-time SWAT in Mesa. In 2016, after being on the Mesa full-time team and being an Assistant Team Leader, Travis made the decision to test for Sergeant. The first step after the test finalization is what Mesa calls the "Step" program, a training program officers must complete before being officially promoted. In simple terms, it's really a ride-along with a senior Sergeant who shows you the ropes. The start of Travis's training began in January of 2016, working the day shift. His very first call out of the station, on his very first training day, was the call that changed his life. The next five years were hell and ultimately led to Travis seeking his retirement, after getting the help he needed.