Bible Translations: What You Need to Know

Clearly with Jimmy & Kelly Needham - A podcast by Jimmy & Kelly Needham - Tuesdays

Get out your Bibles—all of them. We are going to look at every single difference between every translation using a few Venn diagrams crossed with an abacus, which will decipher the best translation there has ever been or will ever be. I'm excited. Are you excited? Let's go!Sponsor: Pioneer Bible Translators ( Timestamps:(00:09:25) - Why do Bible translations matter?(00:10:39) - What are the different Bible translations?(00:11:11) - Different translation philosophiesWord-for-word (formal equivalent) vs. thought-for-thought (dynamic)ReadabilityTarget audience(00:25:00) - Warning: Not all translations are created equal!The New World Translation of the Holy ScripturesThe Message (our view might surprise you!)The King James Version (juicy stuff here!)(00:38:39) - Bible translation is a really undervalued gift!(00:41:06) - Pay attention to what you’re reading.(00:42:24) - Be a part of Bible translation.Check out for more extensive show notes. Want to ask us a question? Email [email protected] Recommendations:Sponsor: Pioneer Bible Translators (👀 Resources: Get to Know Your Bible (Free Download!)Check out some ancient Biblical manuscripts here: csntm.orgGet translator notes: netbible.orgBible translation guide:⛪ Sermon: Dr. Dan Wallace's sermon "Is what we have now what they wrote then?"📖 Reading:Wide as the Waters by Benson BobrickPeculiar Glory by John PiperOur Favorite Translations:New American Standard Bible (NASB)English Standard Version (ESV)Christian Standard Bible (CSB)New English Translation (NET)New International Version (NIV)New International Readers Version (NIrV) – our favorite translation for kids✝️ Recommended Bibles:The New Inductive Study Bible (ESV) (NASB)ESV Study BibleESV Literary Study BibleESV Illuminated Scripture Journals (New Testament) (Old Testament)👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Favorite Resources for KidsBiblesThe Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids (NIrV)Adventure Bible for Early Readers (NIrV)Explorer Bible for Kids (CSB)Bible resources:The Action BibleThe Jesus Storybook BibleThe Biggest Story Bible StorybookWhen you buy something through these links, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.Wish you could ask questions in real time? Our Patreon partners join us live for every recording!Partner with usSign up for our free newsletter