Erin Burns & Giana Amador | Building a world that removes more carbon than it emits

Climate Positive - A podcast by HASI


In this episode, we speak with Erin Burns (Executive Director) and Giana Amador (Co-Founder and Policy Director) of Carbon180, a new breed of climate-focused NGO on a mission to fundamentally rethink carbon. Chad and Gil talked to Erin and Giana about how their early years in rural West Virginia and the Central Valley of California drove their passionate interest in climate policy. We also discussed how Carbon180 has pivoted as an organization over the last six years, the most promising carbon removal technologies (including direct air capture, soil sequestration, and carbon tech), and the essential role of policy in driving solutions in the future. Finally, Erin and Giana give their takes on the most overused energy jargon we should retire and share what "climate positive" means to each of them.