Leveraging Your Community for Growth with David Leutert
Closer&Closer Podcast - A podcast by Andrea Mejia-Madriz, Dave Arcade, & Caton Vance

This week we're diving deep into the career of David Leutert for his return to The Closer&Closer Podcast. He shares where he started, how he got to where he is, and where he sees himself going. In his 6 years as a freelancer, he’s hit some major career milestones and has some unique tools he’s leveraged to get there. Find out what these tools are on this week’s episode Keep up with Dave on Instagram & Behance! Hosted by Dave Arcade & Andrea Mejia-Madriz. Podcast Art by Dave Coleman. Sign up for The Dose! To learn more about Closer&Closer, visit www.closerandcloser.co. Follow us on Instagram @closerandcloserco!