Episode 60- Lisa Hope Tilstra and taking your first steps…into the magic

Cloudbase Mayhem Podcast - A podcast by Gavin McClurg

Lisa Hope Tilstra articulates the perspective all of us can relate to as pilots as she’s a total newbie- as a brand new pilot she’s going through what we all have at some point in our flying lives. No flight can ever match that first time we left the ground and remembering how special that was is reason enough to listen to this show. But then we dig down into the huge differences of coming into this sport as a female versus a male; what challenges new pilots face; how instructors really need to adapt their teaching styles to suit how you learn; how to find a good instructor (and ditch the bad!); where you should go to learn if you have the flexibility; the importance of starting on the right glider; managing (sort of!) motion sickness in the air; how we can encourage more women to fly and a lot more. This was a SUPER fun talk- please enjoy and share it with our amazing flying community! A buck an episode, that’s all we ask. Subscribe to the Cloudbase Mayhem Podcast on Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Tune In, or ITunes!       Show Notes: * Lisa shares the awesomeness (and nastiness) of one of her early flights * Why she got into the sport and early barriers to learn * The difference between good and bad instruction and instructors and how men and women learn differently * Going with your gut * Why are there so many men in the sport and how can we attract more women to learn? * Foundation foundation foundation * What it’s like learning with your significant other * How to find an instructor that will fit your needs * How men should treat women on launch, and how women should go about being on crowded launches with mostly men- dealing with intimidation   Mentioned in this episode: Monarca, Alas Del Hombre, Miguel Gutierrez, Claudia Gutierrez, Kay Tauscher, Peattopeak paragliding, Dirtbag Diaries, Will Gadd, Isabella Messenger, Laurie Genovese, Patricia Garcia de letona, Bianca Heinrich   To get in touch with Lisa visit her website at http://lisa-hope.com/ Or you can email her directly [email protected] The school she mentions in the episode and instructor she really enjoyed was Kay Tauscher at https://www.peaktopeakparagliding.com/