Episode 73- Mitch Riley and X-Alps madness, Developing Mental toughness, Thinking Fast VS Slow, Growth Mindset, Discipline and More

Cloudbase Mayhem Podcast - A podcast by Gavin McClurg

Mitch Riley has been chasing the sky crack as hard as anyone the last few years. He’s averaging 500-600 hours a year, instructs full-time for Eagle Paragliding, competes regularly, does commercial tandems, competed in the 2017 X-Alps and guides around the world. Mitch’s approach to training and improvement isn’t simply airtime- this is a mental game we play more than anything and Mitch has been a student of sports psychology and mental training and gives us a ton of tips on improving performance through concepts like thinking fast vs slow, flow state, mental toughness, fear control, using language to deal with fear, using words to avoid negative thinking, and much more. What risks shouldn’t pilots take vs the ones they should? How can most accidents be eliminated? Controlling the fear response and why most pilots will screw up a collapse recovery; the importance of visualization- how, when and why, the importance of training on the bad days; why to fly the challenging days; the need to show up; building endurance for long flights and a LOT more. This episode is packed with super valuable advice. ENJOY! A buck an episode, that’s all we ask. Subscribe to the Cloudbase Mayhem Podcast on Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Tune In, or ITunes!       Show Notes: A bunch of useful links and info Mitch mentions in the show: You can find Mitch via Facebook at Mitch Riley, and Instagram  @mitch.riley.84.  Mitch is doing instruction and running clinics and tours with Eagle Paragliding, eagleparagliding.com.  And he’s running the first multiday hike and fly comp in the US this September- more information can be found at faroutflying.com.   Growth mindset vs fixed mindset:  “Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential” By Carol Dweck A fun read on flow state etc:  “The Rise of Superman:  Unlocking the science of ultimate human performance.”  By Steven Kotler. “Flow: Living at the Peak of Your Abilities“. By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Ph.D Thinking fast and slow:  “Thinking Fast And Slow” By Daniel Kahneman. Talent:  “