The Corona Virus- Critical Choices in a Critical Time
Cloudbase Mayhem Podcast - A podcast by Gavin McClurg
This is an emergency episode of the Cloudbase Mayhem that everyone needs to hear. I sat down with two people on the front lines of Covid-19, my sister Lesley McClurg who is a Health and Science reporter for KQED in San Francisco, who has covered the pandemic since early January, when only 6 people had died; and Terry O’Connor, an ER doctor in Ketchum, Idaho- one of the most affected towns in the country (on par per capita with New York, San Francisco, and Seattle). We are in the largest public health crisis of our times. Covid-19 is being compared to the Spanish Influenza in 1918, which killed 50 million people. No one alive has ever seen anything like this before. But for many people it’s not tangible. It’s all data and numbers, and until it impacts a loved one, a neighbor, or someone you know it’s hard to understand. It’s called the “Novel” Corona Virus because it’s new and we know very little about the disease. What are the common misconceptions? Can our medical facilities and health workers handle what’s coming? How many people might die? What are the economic implications? And…what are the silver linings in this incredibly scary time? Birdsong and blue skies have returned to Wuhan for the first time in decades. We are realizing our own fragility. We’re realizing we are not invincible and we’re not in control. We’re suddenly faced with abundant time to evaluate what’s important in our lives. And we’re seeing the Earth’s resilience and how fast she can recover if we slow down. And finally- how should we recreate during this period? How should we approach risk? We need to think about it seriously. PLEASE- share this with everyone you know. Resources: John Hopkins Corona Virus Resource Center: New York Times article about the Two Women Lesley references: A great podcast with Sam Harris and Nicholas Christakis: And with Sam Harris and Amesh Adalja: Show Notes: * Where we’ve gone wrong in our response and what we need to do now, urgently * The biggest misconceptions of the Corona Virus * What we don’t understand about Covid-19 * Corona can hit anyone, and YES- it can effect the young and the healthy * “Good for you that your healthy, but stop killing the rest of us” * There is no treatment, there is no cure * What are the numbers? * Can our medical infrastructure handle what’s coming? * How are our health workers at risk? * “At some point we will not be able to manage this” * What Covid-19 does to those infected- it’s not pretty * The frustrations of our health care providers * “This is a beast, and the best wants in” * How our culture compares to Italy * The importance of modeling good behavior * The importance of flattening the curve * How should we recreate right now? Getting hurt is NOT an option * When should we go get tested? * The psychology of a crises * We need to win hearts and minds, but doing it with the numbers isn’t going to work. * “This is a common problem for humanity right now. If you’re looking for a sense of purpose in your life, it’s here”