”Make” Your Ex Feel The Loss That Brings Them Back

Coach Lee - A podcast by Coach Lee

  Coach Lee reveals how you can make your ex feel the type of loss of you that often causes them to reconsider the breakup and begins the process of coming back to you. Get Coach Lee's Emergency Breakup Kit at https://MyExBackCoach.com/ebk Watch the YouTube video of this podcast at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pademsfp38 See the accompanying article to this podcast at How to make your ex feel the loss that makes them come back On Medium at: How To Make Your Ex Feel The Loss And Come Back To You Rekindling Lost Love: A Guide to Making Your Ex Want You Back Understanding the dynamics of breakups and reconciliations is crucial for those hoping to rekindle a lost love. This guide delves into various stages of post-breakup behavior, emphasizing the critical role of 'no contact' and the nuances of re-communicating with an ex. Stage 1: The Power of AbsencePost-breakup, the most impactful action is demonstrating your ability to stay away. After expressing your desire to mend the relationship and facing refusal, it's vital to respect their decision and maintain distance. This period of 'no contact' plays a significant role in the healing process. It's a time for both parties to reflect and potentially miss the presence of the other. Stage 2: Re-Establishing ContactWhen an ex reaches out, it's essential to handle the interaction carefully. Avoid rehashing past issues or immediately seeking a reconciliation. Focus on casual, positive conversations that don't center around the breakup. This approach fosters a sense of normalcy and reduces the pressure associated with rekindling the relationship. Stage 3: Building Mutual Respect and AttractionMaintaining a strong sense of self and avoiding desperation when your ex initiates contact is critical. Overly eager behavior can be off-putting and may hinder the natural development of mutual respect and attraction. Keeping interactions light and friendly without pushing for a definitive resolution helps in building a stronger foundation for a potential future together. Stage 4: Staying in the MomentAvoiding overanalysis of every interaction or gesture is crucial. Overthinking can lead to undue pressure and anxiety, both for you and your ex. Instead, focus on enjoying the present and building a new rapport without the burden of past relationship dynamics. This approach allows both parties to reassess their feelings without feeling cornered into making immediate decisions. Stage 5: Handling New InteractionsAs communication gradually resumes, it's important to strike a balance between showing interest and maintaining your independence. If your ex starts flirting, respond in kind but don't rush into romantic gestures. Let them lead the way and respond with a similar level of engagement. ConclusionReconciliation after a breakup is a delicate process that requires patience, self-respect, and a willingness to adapt. By following these stages and maintaining a balanced approach, you increase the likelihood of a healthy reconnection without jumping to conclusions about getting back together. Remember, every relationship and breakup is unique, and these guidelines should be adapted to fit your specific circumstances.