112. Is Your Lead Magnet Even Helpful?
Coaches on a Mission - A podcast by Dallas Travers
We are back to talk some more about lead magnets and today we’ll get pretty specific and focus on how to design a quiz. My guest today is Valerie Recore. She helps overwhelmed moms spend quality time with their families without feeling pulled in too many directions, giving them a sense of control over their days without guilt or chaos. And Valerie wants a lead magnet that’s easy for her audience to engage with and doesn’t just contribute to their very long to-do list. And I think we came up with a really fun idea inspired by my favorite lead magnet – the quiz. Quizzes are so fantastic because, well, who doesn’t want to take a 90 second quiz and learn a bit more about themselves?? And when you put intentional effort into your quiz, your audience can feel incredibly seen and understood. Which of course, helps them trust you. Be sure to tune in on Thursday this week because we’re going to take the quiz conversation further with Chanti Zak (who truly is the Quiz Queen). And the perfect place to start is today’s episode with Valerie… so dive in! CONNECT WITH VALERIE: WEBSITE: www.strideproductivity.com INSTAGRAM: www.instragram.com/strideproductivity CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/dallastraversbizmentor FREE RESOURCE: Coaching Superpower Quiz: https://dallastravers.com/quiz