146. Surprise Announcement

Coaches on a Mission - A podcast by Dallas Travers


 We’re off this week, but I wanted to drop in quickly to let you know that we’ve opened up enrollment for client surge in case you missed enrollment before the holidays and now you’re kicking yourself a bit.  Client surge starts on January 13th and in case you’re deep in FOMO-ville, I want you to have one more chance to enroll.   Go to joinclientsurge.com now to do that.   So, let me share a couple of  other resources to help you decide:   1. You can test drive Module 1 of client surge at https://joinclientsurge.com/testdrive. If you really want to understand how the program will unfold and what the strategy behind client surge looks like, Module 1 is the best place to find that out.  2. If you’d rather get a higher level overview of the philosophy behind client surge, you can check out an intro workshop called Clients From Scratch.  Go to https://joinclientsurge.com/masterclass to watch that workshop.  Class begins on January 13 but enrollment closes for real on January 3rd.   I hope to see you inside Client Surge and happy new year to you. CONNECT WITH ME: INSTAGRAM:  http://instagram.com/dallastraversbizmentor ENROLL IN CLIENT SURGE: https://joinclientsurge.com/  TEST DRIVE MODULE 1 OF CLIENT SURGE: https://joinclientsurge.com/testdrive