41. The Power of Nurture Marketing with Tamika Auwai
Coaches on a Mission - A podcast by Dallas Travers
My guest today is Tamika Auwai who pretty much blew my mind three minutes into our interview. I don’t know if you relate, but for me… content creation can often feel like a pain in the booty must-do task that I dread on the daily. Tamika offered one small shift around how to think about content and the flood gates opened up. When I think about creating content, it’s a drag. But what I think about nurturing with content, I’m completely lit up. So we can say goodbye to content creation and hello to nurture marketing. You see… Tamika is a Nurture marketing expert. She created The Nurture Matrix™, a unique evergreen nurture marketing framework that’s revolutionizing the way that Coaches approach social media and email marketing. Not only did Tamika blow my mind straight out of the gate, but she also shared simple ways to uncover incredible content, connect more while actually writing less, and some of the best types of nurture content out there right now. Buckle up for an energizing conversation to make your content life easier, but before we dive in, I want you to grab a free scorecard Tamika created that will help you identify the gaps and opportunities in your nurture marketing. You can grab your scorecard now at www.nurturematrix.com. And with that, here’s Tamika Auwai. Connect With Me: Instagram: @dallastravers Free Class: www.watchthecoachclass.com Connect with Tamika: Instagram: @tamikaiscontent Free Scorecard: www.nurturematrix.com