43. Permission to Do What You Really Want to Do

Coaches on a Mission - A podcast by Dallas Travers


You know those coaching moments when inspiration strikes and you share some insight or feedback that leads to a massive breakthrough for your client and you don’t even totally know what you said? I live for those moments. They’re the greatest. And one of them happened with this week’s guest, Dana Da Ponte. Dana helps highly sensitive people and empaths manage the anxiety, overwhelm, self-sabotage or stuckness that comes with their sensitive nature and master the creative and intuitive gifts that come with it. Though she knows who she loves to serve, Dana has been twisted up in knots about how to serve her audience. She’s a highly sensitive creative person herself, with a lot of ideas and Dana came into our session worried that she’d never land on a structure. And then the clarity bell rang for us both and Dana figured out exactly how to talk about her work and more importantly give herself permission to go all in on the work she loves most and let the rest of it go. Even as I record this intro, I cannot tell you exactly what we came up with or how we got there, because our conversation was so inspiration led. But I can tell you that the journey was thrilling. So, if you’ve been stuck around what to offer or how to talk about your work, you’ve gotta join Dana and I on this ride. Let’s get started. Connect With Me: Instagram: @dallastravers Free Quiz: www.sixfigurecoachquiz.com Free Class: www.watchthecoachclass.com Connect With Dana: Website: www.danadaponte.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/dana.daponte.art Instagram: @danadaponte