46. Overcome Your Fear of Being on Camera
Coaches on a Mission - A podcast by Dallas Travers
Today’s episode comes directly from a recent 6FCC coaching call where Toya Gavin and I developed a clear, repeatable process to help her overcome her fear of being on camera and start going live on Instagram. Toya helps Women of Color in the Law find better jobs. And in order to get over her resistance, Toya tapped into a sense of purpose that outweighs all of her fears. If you struggle to stay consistent in your marketing or you just play small, this behind the scenes episode is just what the doctor ordered. Let’s take a listen. Connect With Me: Instagram: @dallastravers Free Quiz: www.sixfigurecoachquiz.com Free Class: www.watchthecoachclass.com Connect With Toya: Instagram: @legally.bold http://Legally-bold.com/toya-links