53. Don't Overcomplicate Your Offerings
Coaches on a Mission - A podcast by Dallas Travers
If you ever worry that your business can’t handle all your creative ideas, you’re going to love today’s episode. Iva Perez, my guest this week, is a newer coach with what she thought were two totally separate businesses she wanted to get off the ground. After Iva and I dug into her mission and her target audience, we realized that she doesn’t actually have two businesses on her hands. She has two offerings. So, I teach Iva about The Offerings Bullseye and she gets crystal clear about how her two offerings not only support each other, but ultimately support her audience. Which is great news because Iva is on a mission to help moms heal themselves and help families build stronger connections. This important work needs a voice like Iva’s and after our conversation she was off and running. If you ever feel confused or overwhelmed by all the ways you want to help your audience, I think this episode will give you the clarity you need to let things be easy. Enjoy! Connect With Me: Instagram: @dallastraversbizmentor Free Quiz: www.sixfigurecoachquiz.com Free Class: www.watchthecoachclass.com Connect With Iva: Instagram: @momergymovement Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/momergyessentials