57. Big Changes Inside My Business

Coaches on a Mission - A podcast by Dallas Travers


If you’re growing, your business is changing. So, I guess I’m growing because I’m sure making a ton of changes this year. Changing the way I approach my goals so they feel like me instead of just being somebody else’s idea. Closing my Instagram account and starting from scratch. Setting our entire evergreen funnel on fire so I can add a personal touch to our sales process. And… even saying goodbye to The Six Figure Coach Club. Not the program, just the name. In this episode I’ll walk you through exactly why I’ve ditched the name of my signature program and what that means for you moving forward. Plus, we’ll look at this decision through the lens of my values (which should always be how we examine our decisions, BTW!). Be sure to tune in until the end so you can hear the exciting announcement about why I’m closing enrollment too. Change is never easy, but for me, it’s always good. Instagram: @dallastraversbizmentor Free Quiz: www.dallastravers.com/quiz Free Class: www.watchthecoachclass.com