59. Permission to Be Imperfect

Coaches on a Mission - A podcast by Dallas Travers


Think about how many hours you’d reclaim in your week if you gave yourself permission to get it wrong. In this bonus episode, I’ll share candidly about my own struggles with perfectionism (hello to all my Enneagram 3s out there!). We’ll also explore The Stuck Coach Chaos Cyclone which keeps us all really busy instead of moving forward. My intention in this bonus episode is to empower you to write your own permission slip to let go of getting things perfect, and just get them going instead. If you hold back in any way because you’re afraid to make mistakes or if you find you often seek external approval instead of just trusting your gut, please join me at the Permission Granted event. You'll walk away from Permission Granted with: A grit building action plan to stop holding yourself back so you can move quickly toward a prosperous business. The freedom and confidence to say no to any tactics or strategies that don't feel like YOU and permission to follow your values instead. Complete clarity about the best possible thing to focus on for YOUR unique business to bring in paying clients, build a strong following or launch a course. Go to http://permissiongrantedworkshop.com now to grab your spot. From there, enjoy the episode. Connect with me: Instagram: @dallastraversbizmentor Free Quiz: www.dallastravers.com/quiz