64. Greatest Hits: Build Your List

Coaches on a Mission - A podcast by Dallas Travers


This month, we’ve curated a special Greatest Hits series for you. I’m completely biased, of course, because I adore every guest who’s ever been on the show — so putting together a list of greatest hits felt impossible.  But, when I narrowed our search down to three specific categories, it got a little easier.  So, next week, we’ll focus on building your confidence. Then, we’ll highlight my favorite episodes about building your team. But today, we will hone in on building your list.  In today’s episode I will share a brief summary of three previous podcast episodes where we took a deep dive into list building. First up, Episode 3 with Brian Patacca. In Episode 3, we dig in and talk all about the success Brian found in his business thanks to a rock solid list building strategy.  Second, Episode 5 with Tilita Lutterloh. In this episode, we examined a simple organic marketing strategy to get your lead magnet in front of more eyeballs. Lastly, Episode 41 with Tamika Auwai. In my conversation with Tamika, she offered one small shift around how to think about content and the flood gates opened up. Hint: Nurture Marketing.  I cannot wait to hear your biggest takeaways from this greatest hits list. So, please be sure to hit me up on Instagram at @dallastraversbizmentor. Have a great week + Happy Listening! EP003: Brian Patacca (HOW BRIAN ADDED 3600 NEW EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS IN LESS THAN 90 DAYS) Connect with Brian: Instagram: @briansaysthat EP005: Tilita Lutterloh (THE REAL REASON YOUR LEAD MAGNET ISN'T WORK) Connect with Tilita: Instagram: @iamtilita Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheRunnersLockerRoom EP041: Tamika Auwai (THE POWER OF NURTURE MARKETING) Connect with Tamika: www.orishacreative.com Instagram: @tamikaiscontent Free Scorecard: www.nurturematrix.com Connect with Me: Instagram: @dallastraversbizmentor Free Quiz: www.dallastravers.com/quiz