65. Greatest Hits: Build Your Confidence

Coaches on a Mission - A podcast by Dallas Travers


We are back with Part 2 of our three part “Greatest Hits” series. Today we want to highlight episodes that can help you to Build Your Confidence. If you ever feel that your confidence (or lack of) holds you back from reaching your full potential, or really going after what you want for yourself and your business — you’ve got to check out these three episodes.    The first episode I’m recommending you dive into is Episode 39 with Angela Vorpahl. If you ever feel invisible or worry your work doesn’t matter, you must listen to my conversation with Angela. This was a real and vulnerable conversation around how Angela had been wrestling with a lot of the same fears and inner critic stuff we all experience. Inside this episode, we uncover the parts of Angela that felt undeserving or less than and worked to give those aspects a voice so that she could learn to let go and move forward.  Next up is episode 6 with Katy Chen Mazzara. Katy was READY to scale her biz but she recognized that she was holding herself back because she was afraid to put herself out there. She wanted to go live on Instagram, show up online more, and even pitch herself on podcasts. So in our conversation we tackled how her fears were holding her back from doing those things (and more) and how she could take practical steps to move forward. If you see that your fears of being visible hold you back from going all in, go and check out Episode 6.  Last but not least, is Episode 22 with Randi Roberts. We all have those moments when we feel stuck and sabotage ourselves. Whether it’s fear, distraction, perfection or overwhelm, we hold ourselves back from time to time. As human beings, this is NORMAL... it’s also so painful. In this conversation, we dug in to what was holding Randi back and came up with a framework to relate to herself differently. If you feel stuck, check out this episode and think about how you can apply this framework in areas you may be holding yourself back. EP039 Angela Vorpahl (WHAT IF YOU WORRY THAT YOUR WORK DOESN’T MATTER?) Connect with Angeal: Instagram: @angelavorpahl https://www.angelavorpahl.com/ EP006 Katy Chen Mazzara (WHAT MUST YOU HEAL TO BE MORE VISIBLE?) Connect with Katy: Instagram: @katychenmazzara  https://www.katychenmazzara.com EP022 Randi Roberts (DO THIS WHEN YOU’RE IN YOUR OWN WAY) Connect with Randi: https://www.corlinroberts.net Connect with me: Instagram: @dallastraversbizmentor Free Quiz: www.dallastravers.com/quiz