66. Greatest Hits: Build Your Team

Coaches on a Mission - A podcast by Dallas Travers


Today I am sharing the third and final part of our Greatest Hits series. In this episode, we are focusing on Building Your Team. A common trap I see a lot of coaches fall into is waiting way too long to hire. We look at the price tag and think “I can’t afford that”. Instead of asking the question...“How much is possible by adding this person to my team?” So, whether your business is newer or you’ve been at this for a while, I want you to check out these four episodes to inspire you to hire, but also lead a team, well.  First up, Episode 13 with Sarah Gaboury. I think we all know the feeling of overwhelm that can come when we work by ourselves...all the time...on our laptops. Sarah came into this episode feeling too busy to even think about the hiring process, let alone who to hire and how to onboard a new team member. But during our conversation we were able to come up with a simple process to help her get crystal clear on what she can hand off AND determine the qualities needed in an awesome virtual assistant.  Next is a two parter - Episode 14 + 15 with Malika Williams. In Episode 14, Malika and I talked through the vision for what’s next in her business (and realized she was even closer than she realized to that vision). Once we got clear on the vision, drilled down some next steps, we talked about “how to hire”. That’s what you’ll hear in Episode 15. We talk through the phases we all go through in our business.. Expansion and Containment. Listen to this episode if you’re ready to give your permission to hire quickly and want to know the best position to fill first. Last but certainly not least, I have Episode 37 with Tianna Tye. She is an expert in all things team dynamics. She is basically a genius on delegation. Which for those of us who have worked by ourselves (forever) delegation can be so tricky. So, in our conversation we talk all about the right way to onboard your team, and the importance of setting clear expectations and Key Performance Indicators. If you want to hire now or anytime in the future, you MUST listen to this episode. If you’ve been putting off hiring because you feel too busy or overwhelmed by the thought of starting the hiring process, I sincerely hope that these episodes inspire you to take the leap. I can’t wait to hear all that you glean from these episodes.  EP013 Sarah Gaboury (TOO BUSY TO HIRE HELP? THE COMMON TRAP STUCK COACHES FALL INTO) Connect with Sarah: https://realactorslab.com Instagram: @realactorslab EP014 + EP015 Malika Williams (WHEN IS IT TIME TO STOP HUSTLING?) (HOW TO GET CRYSTAL CLEAR ABOUT WHO TO HIRE) Connect with Malika: https://www.centerforwomensvoice.com Instagram: @centerforwomensvoice EP037 Tianna Tye (TIANNA TYE’S ROCK SOLID RULES TO HIRE AND TRAIN YOUR TEAM THE RIGHT WAY) Connect with Tianna: www.tiannatye.com Instagram: @tiannatye Connect with me: Instagram: @dallastraversbizmentor Free Quiz: www.dallastravers.com/quiz