Alternative Health Dreams & Problem Solving Episode 3
Coast to Coast AM - A podcast by George Noory

In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach spoke about the human body and its ability to achieve natural healing. He described the benefits of natural remedies that aid in the body's recovery from chronic conditions. Regarding the longevity of people in certain parts of the world, he attributed some of this to "glacial milk"-- ground-up rocks at the top of glaciers up in the mountains that release white silt, heavy in minerals that flow into streams. "They're getting all these mineral nutrients...which have to do with maintenance repair of all of our tissues, particularly our hard tissues like bones and joints," he said.For a caller with "cotton mouth," he suggested putting liquid colloidal silver on her tongue several times a day. Wallach also recommended collagen peptides for people with different conditions, which he said can help rebuild bone marrow and strengthen the immune system. "There are no genetically transmitted diseases," he declared, arguing that conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure are due to nutritional deficiencies.-------------Layne Dalfen founded the Dream Interpretation Center in Montreal in 1997, and has been teaching dream analysis to counseling students at Concordia University since 2005. In the latter half, she discussed her methodology of analysis, and why dreams are a powerful tool for discovering directions in one's life and solving problems. Dalfen works with six points of entry that people can use to learn what situation in their life triggered a current dream, and these include plot, feelings, repetition, symbols, actions, and puns (play on words). We may see repeating elements inside the same dream-- we are saying the same thing to ourselves several times because the unconscious wants us to get it, she explained.Along those lines, the function of nightmares is a kind of wake-up call. "It's an overreaction to something in your waking life that you are under-reacting to," she said. We are self-regulating organisms, and if we bottle up our feelings, they often resurface in our dreams, she added. According to Dalfen, "Every dream is triggered by something that either happened to you yesterday or something that you've thought about yesterday. And it's typically something that's bugging you." Sometimes, she continued, the solution to the issue raised in a dream is to tap into an unfamiliar side of yourself (what Jung referred to as the shadow archetype) that you might need to resolve a situation.