Cataclysms & Extinctions 'Alien' Artifacts Episode 1
Coast to Coast AM - A podcast by George Noory

In the first half, bestselling author Bobby Akart discussed extinction-level events and how he uses his disaster and survival fiction as a way to explore how people can survive a catastrophic event. His latest book, ARkStorm, refers to an atmospheric river event in California like the one they had in 1862. The storms were so powerful "that they actually flooded the entire Central Valley of California from Sacramento to the northern part of Los Angeles County--300 miles long and 40 to 60 miles wide in places, and that water stayed in the Valley for almost a year," and created a new lake there, he detailed. In regards to extinction events, some can happen quickly, like the asteroid impact that killed off the dinosaurs, while others may take thousands of years, such as the Ice Age, Akart outlined."You don't need to go through life thinking that there's going to be an extinction-level event tomorrow," he remarked. "But there can certainly be the precursors taking place that could have a devastating effect on all of our lives." If the power grid goes down, such as from a solar flare or EMP attack, water treatment plants will not operate, so it's crucial to know how to store and purify water, he cited. One type of cataclysm we can't prevent is a volcanic eruption. Should the Yellowstone supervolcano explode, that would be a mass extinction event, at least for people living in the Northern Hemisphere, he reported, due to the amount of ash and poisonous gas transported into the atmosphere.--------------Jesse Alberto is the Director of antiquities for Gen Six Productions and has been investigating the paranormal for nearly ten years. In the latter half, he talked about strange artifacts he has accessed in his native Mexico and their possible alien and occult connections. He described some of the first ones he was shown as having the look of the classic Grey alien with almond-shaped eyes and a slender body (Alberto works with Steve Quayle, who previously shared photos with us of alien-themed artifacts from Mexico). According to Alberto, he had initially contacted an investigator who was going to carbon-date some of the artifacts, but the person absconded with them and later claimed they were around 9,000 years old in his own presentations.Alberto said he discovered additional artifacts on an expedition in the Tula Allende region of Mexico. The artifacts have different materials, such as clay, alabaster, and jade, and he believes human-alien hybrids created some of them. He expressed the viewpoint that the aliens depicted in the artifacts, rather than extraterrestrials, are the fallen angels from the Bible. These entities are "extremely demonic" and connected with occult practices, he said, adding that some of the symbols and designs on the artifacts are similar to what he's seen in documents of warlocks, witches, and sorcerers. A number of the artifacts are quite large-- panels the size of sliding doors and statues that weigh up to 3 tons, he reported.