Nuclear War & the Bible Mediumship & the Afterlife Episode 1

Coast to Coast AM - A podcast by George Noory


Financial analyst and author Benjamin Baruch is the advisor to some of the largest real estate companies on the West Coast. In the first half, he discussed escalating signs of war between the US and Russia and China, and how, according to his interpretation, WWIII is foretold in Bible prophecy. "We're not talking about just the Russian military fighting NATO in Ukraine...We're talking about China preparing for war...We're talking about foreign troops pouring across the southern border of the United States. Thousands of Chinese military personnel are coming across dressed in civilian garb in a silent invasion today," he claimed. "So this war is far more complex than most people realize, and...the threat we face is the most severe in the history of our country. And our enemy has been continually threatening nuclear war, and nobody takes it seriously," Baruch lamented.A nuclear war against the United States is clearly indicated in the scriptures, including in the prophecies of Jeremiah, he asserted. "The land of the Chaldeans who shall be covered in perpetual desolation" is a reference to the nuclear annihilation of the United States, and "the citizens of America are taken into slavery by the invading ground forces," Baruch continued. According to his calculations based on the biblical Jubilee cycles, a nuclear war against the United States could occur within 14 months, or "it could take place within 14 days." The event of WWIII is the crisis that allows the one-world government or Antichrist to suddenly take control of the planet, he warned.---------Co-founder of Helping Parents Heal, Mark Ireland, has participated in a number of mediumship research studies. After the passing of his youngest son, Brandon, he sought evidence for the continuity of consciousness. In the latter half, he spoke about his journey, connecting with his son's essence and observing a variety of phenomena supporting the survival hypothesis. He recounted how mediumship ran in his family, and his father, Richard Ireland, was known as the "Psychic to the Stars." Mark had premonitions on the day of his son's death, and subsequently, he consulted with a number of well-known mediums, including Allison Dubois, and was struck by the accurate information they provided. He detailed an account of how his wife felt Brandon's presence and then saw a shadow figure in her peripheral vision. The next day, a musician friend of their deceased son, whom the Irelands had given Brandon's bass guitar, reported that he felt a presence with him while recording a song, and he too saw a peripheral shadow figure.Ireland has concluded there are different types of evidence that consciousness survives death, including mediumship. He described how he started a Medium Certification Program to help people find quality mediums and avoid fraudulent or deluded purveyors. Mediums certified through his program are required to conduct at least five blinded test readings for five different sitters unbeknownst to them, with passing results of around 75% accuracy. In his latest book, he recalls how after his sister died, she left behind a sealed code (similar to when Houdini died) to see if mediums would be able to pick up her secret message.News segment guests: Charles R. Smith, Sandra ChamplainEMERGING ARTISTS:The first Sunday of every month, George Noory presents emerging artists for some of our bumper music selections. Tonight, we heard from Bennet Kalmon, Roy Manghise, Wendy Ludlow, Mukti Garceau, John Armesto & the Loose Ends, De Pinto, and MT and the Streamliners. For more info on how to submit your own original music, visit this page.