Secrets of the Sphinx Life of Edgar Cayce Episode 3

Coast to Coast AM - A podcast by George Noory


In the first half, Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D. discussed evidence that the Sphinx and other structures on the Giza Plateau are thousands of years older than previously thought, as well as how coronal mass ejections triggered volcanic activity, earthquakes, fires, and floods that destroyed ancient civilizations. The weathering and erosion on the body of the Sphinx shows it underwent heavy and protracted rains, indicating it was built in a much earlier period before the current desert conditions there. Schoch and colleagues found subsurface evidence of the Sphinx's age through seismic work, including mineralogical changes that demonstrate the statue was carved out thousands of years before the traditional date of 2500 BCE. He now estimates that the Sphinx, which originally may have the head of a lioness, was first built at the end of the last ice age, around 10,000 BCE.The Great Pyramid, he believes, is also far older than traditionally estimated and was built in stages over 10,000 years, with ancient structures beneath the surface. Schoch argues that a cycle of civilization existed before the end of the last ice age, with evidence of sophisticated monumental carving and construction found at sites such as in southeastern Turkey. Yet these advanced civilizations were snuffed out by a major solar outburst around 9700 BCE, leading to a 6000-year dark age, he suggested. Such solar activity has caused mass destruction and climatic changes throughout history, and there is evidence of cyclical occurrences every 12-13,000 years, so we may be due for another one, he cautioned. Shoch also talked about his new study that found that the Giza pyramids mark the location of ancient lightning strikes.--------------In the latter half, author and filmmaker Sidney Kirkpatrick shared his research on the life of the American prophet Edgar Cayce, using his exclusive access to Cayce's personal papers and transcripts of readings he gave while in a trance state. There are some 14,000 transcripts ranging from two pages to 10-20 pages of readings he gave over his lifetime. Kirkpatrick detailed how Cayce suggested treatments and remedies, some of which are now used in modern medicine. For some clients, he recommended non-invasive light therapies, like infrared and violet rays. Cayce also suggested such treatments as castor oil and beef juice for health issues. In addition, he described a "perpetual motion machine" in a reading for an engineer named Mitchell Hastings, who went on to design remote-controlled torpedoes in WWII, and then work for IBM.Cayce, who died in 1945, achieved a good deal of fame in his lifetime, and was written up in a front-page article in the New York Times. There was a two-year waiting list for his readings at the time of his death, Kirkpatrick noted. He established the Association of Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in the 1930s to promote holistic health treatments, and the organization is still active today in Virginia Beach. In his readings, there were occasions when he mentioned an alien presence on Earth but said we would not be able to recognize them. In numerous readings, he talked about the ancient civilization of Atlantis and how their land was sunk in a series of cataclysms. They had developed technology with flying aircraft similar to balloons, Cayce reported, and some of the Atlanteans migrated to the Pyrenees and Egypt during their collapse.