UFO Algorithm Cryptids & Folklore Episode 2

Coast to Coast AM - A podcast by George Noory


In the first half, researcher David Sereda discussed his discovery of a UFO algorithm that he says connects over 90% of the most legendary UFO cases to the date of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima in 1917 and aligns to an invisible/antimatter planet between Venus and Mercury (view related graphics). Occurring around every five years, major UFO incidents in the alignment include the Battle of Los Angeles in 1942, Roswell in 1947, the 1952 UFOs over the Washington Capitol, the Phoenix Lights in 1997, and the Stephenville, TX, sightings in 2008. Sereda developed this theory after receiving a coded numerical message from his late wife about the solar system and antimatter. The invisible planet known as Vulcan orbits around the sun every 139.51 days, he said, and this planet aligns with the day Jesus ascended, which is celebrated every year.According to Sereda, Vulcan's completed orbit aligns perfectly with the events at Fatima Portugal in 1917, and the Marian apparitions were timed around it. Lightning strikes generate antimatter, he continued, so there's a small amount of it on the Earth. Conversely, Vulcan has a small amount of matter, "and that little bit allows us to have a portal...a paranormal link between the matter/material universe and the antimatter universe," he explained. Sereda hypothesized that this antimatter portal opens around every five years, accounting for the pattern he detected.----------In the latter half, author and professor of journalism Jason Offutt presented his latest research on cryptozoology and folklore, including stories about the Black Dog of Hanging Hills and the Banshee of the Badlands, as well as modern-day dinosaurs, lizard men, giants, and flying humanoids. One of the bizarre creatures he detailed was known as the Demon Leaper back in the late 1800s. It was a large bat-like creature with leathery wings, pointed ears, and teeth resembling a gargoyle flying through the air. Another flying creature, seen by a group of science teachers in West Texas in 1977, was described as a pterodactyl in the sky. Offutt said he is particularly fascinated by the lore of the little people or fairies. Such legends are sometimes shown to have physical counterparts, he pointed out, as with the discovery of the remains of the extinct Homo floresiensis people in Indonesia, who were dubbed the Hobbits because they only grew to about three or four feet tall.One of the more absurd stories he looked into was that of the Slide-Rock Bolter, which was alleged to be a land-based whale with a big hook on its tail that would station itself on top of a mountain and then slide down and attack its prey, miners in Colorado in the 1800s. In Alaska, Native people have told stories for centuries about the Iliamna Lake Monster, a giant fish about 30 ft. long with a block-shaped head that it used to sink boats. Another monstrous creature from the 1800s was known as the Gowrow, and it preyed on livestock and pets in Arkansas. It was reportedly captured and killed by hunters and turned out to be a 20 ft. long lizard with webbed feet, tusks, and horns. Among the many other odd and mystifying cryptid accounts Offutt shared was that of the Beast of Truro, an enormous turtle the size of a Volkswagen Beetle that lived in a small lake.