5 Things You Can Do to Save the Planet
Coda Change - A podcast by Coda Change

“5 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO SAVE THE PLANET” with Hugh Montgomery (w. Liz Crowe) SCIENTIST & CLIMATE EXPERT HUGH MONTGOMERY DISCUSSES THE CONCERNING STATE OF THE PLANET & OUTLINES WHY WE NEED TO BEGIN TAKING REAL, IMMEDIATE ACTION TO SAVE IT. In this chat with wellbeing specialist Liz Crowe, Hugh begins by addressing the satirical Netflix film “Don’t Look Up” and pointing out that it may not be as far from reality as people think. We’ve been sitting on our hands & ignoring warnings in terms of greenhouse gases for too long, and Hugh warns that the “asteroid is about to strike”. HUGH CITES REPORTS WHICH CLAIM WE HAVE JUST A FEW YEARS TO TURN AROUND THE CLIMATE CRISIS. HE DETAILS WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF THINGS DON’T CHANGE. Extreme weather will be one of the most notable signs. Global sea levels will also rise noticeably and temperatures across the world will reach record highs. These will be “colossal changes” according to Hugh. This will lead to up to 2/3 of the world’s population needing to move to try and escape these extreme changes. There is a “rapidly closing window to secure a liveable future”. BUT WHAT CAN WE DO? HUGH SAYS WE NEED TO BEGIN TAKING RADICAL ACTION. For those wanting to take greater steps toward saving the planet, Hugh recommends starting with the following ways: Buddy up with like-minded people who want to make a change Exert your influence to get family & friends to also begin taking action Find a good carbon calculator to measure your personal footprint Make improvements in whichever areas you can, with emphasis on the more damaging areas like heating, food & transport. After making personal changes, shift your focus to your workplace To finish on a lighter note, Hugh states that “we are the only generation that has ever had the chance to save humanity” and reminds us that yes, we CAN do it. Tune in to this eye-opening assessment of our ever-changing climate with Hugh Montgomery & Liz Crowe. For more like this, head to our podcast page #CodaPodcast