A Tribute to Dr John Hinds
Coda Change - A podcast by Coda Change

A Tribute to Dr John Hinds, Dr Janet Acheson speaks about her life with Dr John Hinds and how unexpected his death was. John Hinds was known as the pioneer of pre-hospital trauma, a master educator and powerful orator. He was “son” to his mother Josephine, “John boy” to his father Dermot and “John” to his friends and family. John Hinds inherited his meticulousness from his mother and sense of adventure from his father. Janet speaks about different lectures given by John Hinds during which he coined the term #ResusWankers and spoke about cricoid pressure and Cricolol. She speaks about “Johnisms”, thoughts that she and John shared; find your people and acquire memories of life; do not let wankers bring you down, learn from your mistakes and finally, make your intentions honourable - the patient is the centre of everything. She requests the audience to help trend #WhatWouldJohnDo. Dr Fred MacSorley, a good friend of John Hinds, talks about how promising and talented John Hinds was when he entered the field of anaesthesia in 2004. His passion for motorcycling and fierce determination to help those injured, though it helped him in his career, also led to confrontations with peers who had more rigid minds. John, however, overcame these obstacles with passion, humour and risk-taking ability. Fred reminisces about how training sessions with John would stretch on as John was a passionate teacher. He speaks about the call sign Delta 7 assigned to John while being part of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. Fred remembers that John always arrived first at an accident scene and worked away quietly. He was polite and had excellent people management skills. He established a relationship with his critically ill patients by talking to them and reassuring them. Fred shares stories of John’s growth to become a flying doctor. He claims that John revolutionised the management of traumatic cardiac arrest. A tribute to a legend, Dr John Hinds. For more like this, head to https://codachange.org/podcasts/