Difficult Intubation in the highly infectious respiratory patient
Coda Change - A podcast by Coda Change

This is the second episode of the three part series of the podcast dedicated to technical and communications aspects of managing the airways of COVID patients. In this episode we are breaking down the case of a particular difficult airway case published online by Chris Hicks earlier, and discovering that the approach is not all that different to the guiding principles, communications and checklists we would have used in the non-COVID related intubations. What seems to trip us up is the process, precautions and PPE. Sticking to general principles and processes is the rule here but we have to be careful in how we’re communicating, and the specific terminology we’re using. Bottom line, COVID or no COVID, best way to manage a difficult intubation is via the tried and tested emergency resuscitation procedures that have proven to be safe, effective, simple and familiar. Join Coda community of healthcare leaders: codachange.org/you