Overcoming the Great Resignation through Realisation: Part 2
Coda Change - A podcast by Coda Change

In Part 2 of this podcast Hugh Montgomery, Liz Crowe, and Shelly Dev along with Peter Brindley continue their discussion on wellness, resilience, burn out and being a healthcare worker in the world now. IN THIS EPISODE THE TEAM DISCUSSES THE BROADER ORGANISATION STRUCTURE AND HOW THIS CONTRIBUTES TO (OR DETRACTS FROM) TEAMWORK AND HEALTHCARE WORKER WELLNESS AND SATISFACTION. Shelly delves into the topic of the organisations and whether they are supporting the clinicians on the ground in the best possible way. Senior leadership, in her opinion, has done a major disservice to healthcare workers in their support and leadership roles. The support needed on the ground transcends yoga classes and healthy cooking recipes. Organisational support needs to acknowledge the needs and desires of healthcare staff, namely, to deliver excellent care and have good days at work in the context of a healthy life. Liz suggests that although the organisational leadership is important for the overall wellbeing of the workforce, they are one aspect of a broader picture. She believes that leaders should be mentored in leadership. Teaching people basic communication and feedback skills would make a huge difference. Similarly, fostering a culture of togetherness and unity amongst separate entities of a larger organisation would lead to greater worker satisfaction and lead to better outcomes for patients. HUGH RAISES THE POINT OF CLINICAL OUTCOMES BEING INFLUENCED BY ENGAGEMENT OF HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS BY SENIOR MANAGEMENT. Management teams engaging with clinical staff seem to increase the patient care being delivered. Hugh provides his thoughts as to why this may be the case. Without senior management support, clinicians are increasingly overworked in a system that is constantly pushing back. This can, and does, lead to staff finally breaking and resigning on the spot. The core the issue of healthcare worker burnout and dissatisfaction is simple Shelly states. In her view, everyone in healthcare at their core are good and decent people. They desire support and structures that allow them to enact this value in their everyday work. Although the solutions to the broad range of problems facing health systems across the globe are not as straight forward, remembering this fact is a good starting point. From here, the team provide some of their insights into the way forward. Tune in to this authentic perspective on healthcare worker wellbeing with Peter Brindley, Hugh Montgomery, Liz Crowe & Shelly Dev. Overcoming the Great Resignation through Realisation: Part 2 For more like this, head to our podcast page. #CodaPodcast This podcast is brought to you by Teleflex