Sustainable healthcare: A move to Net Zero
Coda Change - A podcast by Coda Change

Sustainable healthcare: A move to Net Zero. If the health sector were a country, we would be the fifth-largest polluter in the world. It is crucial that we move towards a sustainable healthcare system, but what exactly does this mean? The NHS has led the way in modelling a Net Zero healthcare system. They have done this by considering all aspects of the industry, including energy, transport, Telehealth, equipment, devices and disease prevention. The reality is we live in a linear economy. Particularly in medicine - we buy things, we use them and we throw them out. The NHS has pledged to only use suppliers who match or exceed their expectations with Net Zero healthcare. You can’t address waste without addressing what you purchase. How can we shift into a circular economy? We need to invent ways to produce things that have a life expectancy beyond single-use. For example, Covid-19 has resulted in an unthinkable amount of waste from PPE, but innovative projects have seen how recycled face masks can be broken down and used to make new roads. The healthcare industry has two key priorities: first, we need to reduce our carbon footprint. Then, we need to prepare ourselves for the climate change that is locked in for decades to come. Whether this is managing heat waves or ensuring that our hospitals don’t flood. So how can we achieve sustainable healthcare? Find a group of like-minded healthcare colleagues, go to your General Manager and make the case for clean energy in your hospital. Use your voice – healthcare professionals are the most trusted professional group in society, so speak up at every opportunity. Start making steps right now Sustainable healthcare: A move to Net Zero is the way of the future. We just need to get there sooner rather than later. For more head to: