Ultrasound Improves Resuscitation Outcomes: Resa Lewiss
Coda Change - A podcast by Coda Change

Resa Lewiss tells you how ultrasound improves resuscitation outcomes in critical care. Ultrasound helps you make more accurate diagnoses. It allows you to perform procedures with fewer complications, and ultrasound enables you to be more time and cost efficient. However, there may be more to ultrasound - Resa enlightens you. The ultrasound allows the clinician to interact with their patients. Further, Ultrasound enables patients to be integrated into their own care and it allows for an element of creativity. Moreover, Resa explores the idea of reciprocal illumination – the process of exchange and education between clinician and patient. It is the dialogue that occurs between the two and allows for different and deep thinking. Evidently, what underpins these thoughts is the idea of creativity. Resa asks you to consider how you are creative with your hands. It may be gardening, knitting, playing a musical instrument, writing, or even washing the dishes. Working with your hands is the gateway to creativity. Working with your hands in an intentional and purposeful way, on a regular basis elevates your mood and decreases stress and anxiety. The science supports this. Furthermore, a hand-brain interaction is stimulated, fostering creativity. In bringing these ideas back to the Emergency Room, Resa explains that by using your hands through ultrasound, you are enabling creativity and open communication with your patients. Moreover, Reciprocal illumination – enhancing both care and outcomes. Resa describes the evidence behind this idea. Patient’s overwhelming welcome ultrasound at the bedside in the Emergency Department. They agree that it improves patient care and increases efficiency of their treatment. Finally, Resa concludes by pondering the idea that ultrasound may also lead to great benefits for the clinicians themselves. For more like this, head to https://codachange.org/podcasts/