25 Life-Changing Lessons I've Learned In 25 Years | Rules To Live By For A Better Life with Ayesha Sehra

Coffee & A Good Vibe - A podcast by Ayesha Sehra - Tuesdays


My birthday has always served as a time for deep reflection for me. Every year is a new blessings and life is our teacher.  Here is a very personal episode into my heart & mind where I want to share with you my top lessons of life. Still so much growth and abundance in everyday of this beautiful life we GET TO live.  Each day is a blessing, I hope you take one of these lessons that serve you! xx  LESSONS OVERVIEW:  Health is wealth.  Self awareness is the key to life.  Audit your life consistently in all areas. - the people you surround yourself with , where you invest your time, etc.  Be your own best friend.  DO YOU, BOO! People are always going to have an opinion - most important one that matters is your own. Abundance is your birthright.  Don't block your blessings. Uplift your vibe! Your vibe attracts your tribe and everything else in your life. Journalling is the cheapest form of therapy. Set goals & dream beyond. We underestimatehow much we can get done in a lifetime. Dream bigger.  Consume content and people that only serves you!!!! These inputs are everywhere and shape us!!  Release the things that no longer serve you - including people. Elevation requires separation!!! Visualize. Feeling is the secret. My visualization practise has changed my life. Enjoy the ride. The journey is ever evolving. Be love. Give love. Receive love. We attract what we are.   Everything happens FOR you - not to you. What is this level of life / circumstance trying to teach you? It’s all in our perspective.  More gratitude. Gratitude & appreciation is everything.  Comparison is the thief of joy.  Tell the people you love you love them, every. single. day.  Boundaries in life & business.  Fill your cup and fill the overpower onto everyone around you. Energy is everything.  Be kind, always. Compassion and empathy will heal this world.  Treat everyone equal. Stay humble and grounded with the ones that keep you grounded - family is everything. INFINITE FAITH. In everything — your timing, god speed - divine timing, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. 🙏🏼 please honor the timing of your life. Smile everyday. Find reasons to smile, laugh, dance, everyday. The happiest people in life live each day to the fullest. The simplest things in life are FREE.  MENTIONS: Repair your gut health and feel your best with LEAKY GUT GUARDIAN HERE Use code VIBES10 at checkout to receive 10% off your order! CONNECT: YOUTUBE ➟ Watch & subscribe to our channel here ➟ Coffee & A Good Vibe Video Interviews  To learn about my Branding & PR Agency Grow The Social ➟ click HERE  To connect with Ayesha Sehra ➟ click HERE Check out our podcast insta ➟ click HERE ____________________________________________________________________________________ Audio Edited/Mixed by: @ben_smith_