16. Meet Claire F. - Supersaver, Winner of our Challenge
Coffee and Coin Podcast - A podcast by Allegra Moet Brantly
We just announced our newest course: 6-Figure Savings, dedicated to help you nail step 1 of building Real Wealth: saving like a pro. Sign up to be the first to know when it launches (go to https://factorawealth.com/6figuresavings).A few weeks ago, we hosted a Savings Challenge to see if we could save $50K as a community—and to see who could save the most individually. Claire blew us away by setting aside over $20K in one month. Obviously, we had to have her on the podcast to share her supersaver secrets. We cover:How she saved 23k in 5 weeks and what she did with the cash. How she went from being a W2 income earner (and saving nothing) to saving around 70% with flexible income. The breakdown of her 6 income streams. How she changed her mindset from being a spender to a saver. The plan for her next investment—and why she’s got 65k saved for it. How she plans to pay off the rest of her student loans by the end of the year. Why she prefers to save up to pay off debt rather than pay as she goes. Why she cancelled her wedding—and how much she’s saving from it.