Breastfeeding and Gentle Weaning with Morgan Jackson

Coffee and Cosleeping - A podcast by Coffee and Cosleeping


Preparation for both the beginning and end of a breastfeeding journey can greatly affect a mom’s overall experience with her child in that respect. Morgan Jackson, nurse, IBCLC, and founder of Prepared Beginnings Lactation, joins for this episode to address a number of frequently asked questions and concerns about breastfeeding, including - the immediate postpartum period, breastfeeding must haves and must “knows”, and the difference between common weaning methods. Morgan reminds us that the length of time a parent chooses to breastfeed is far less important than how we honor that journey, and that since mom guilt and shame unfortunately exists regardless of these choices, to be secure and proud of what we provide our babies.  . Time Stamp: Gentle Weaning: 25:40 - end of episode . Links mentioned in today's episode: . . Today's episode is sponsored by:  OhHeyMama Hair -