COFFEE + PEOPLE Podcast - A podcast by Ketch Smith


The Marriage Series begins with two of the best, Chris and Carri Hill. Chris is an engineer for NASA, and Carri is a Relations Manager for ACU. They have been married for 28 years (and counting)and everything they talk about in this episode they live out in their every day life. They live in Houston and have 3 children, and since I lived with them for a semester, I consider myself their fourth child. They have poured into my life and into mine and Olivia's relationship from the very beginning. We met at BeSpoke, an Artisan Outpost in The Heights in Houston, and drank Homebird Coffee. Be sure to check out both of these companies because they are phenomenal. Here is the link to Chris's ebook Nine Lives: 2 of 9 https://www.amazon.com/Nine-Lives-2-Christopher-Hill-ebook/dp/B078ZFPKZ7/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1520218126&sr=8-1&keywords=nine+lives+Christopher+hill&dpID=51IEgQJgznL&preST=_SY445_QL70_&dpSrc=srch BeSpoke: @bespoke.htx www.bespokehtx.com Homebird Coffee Co.: @homebird_htx @jonnylee_reeves @Brianna.reeves