Episode 119: Historic and Violent Break-In at the U.S. Capitol

Coffee With Gringos - A podcast by Dynamic English


Only six days into the new year, we watched in horror as violent, Trump-supporting protesters forced their way into the US Capitol building after President Trump’s public speech encouraging them to stop Congress from finalizing the Electoral College results and democracy from taking place. The historic coup-attempt resulted in hours of destruction, looting, and the deaths of five people before it all ended with Congress still proceeding to finalize the election results. Will President Trump be held responsible for his actions or will he be able to avoid accountability as we have seen throughout his entire presidency? Join us for today’s episode as we discuss the details of the US Capitol riots and what possible consequences it might have moving forward. Read the full transcript and vocabulary guide here: https://www.dynamicenglish.cl/coffee-with-gringos-podcast-clases-particulares-de-ingles/episode-119-historic-and-violent-break-in-at-the-us-capitol