S9 Ep2: 2: Ahead of the Curve, with SYSTEMIQ: Leadership in the Transition to Net-Zero

Conduit Conversations - A podcast by Soho.Live Studios

Bold and visionary leadership is essential to accelerate action towards an economy that is aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Where are we seeing examples of leadership that can help create positive tipping points – the ones we need to pull ourselves from the fossil-intensive, socially unjust system, into a net-zero and resilient world?  Faustine Delasalle (Director, Energy Transitions Commission, Co-Executive Director, Mission Possible Partnership) describes how the landscape has changed over the past few years, with new coalitions creating a space for dialogue and radical collaboration.  Gonzalo Munoz (COP25 High-Level Champion and Co-Founder, TriCiclos, SistemaB and Polkura) discusses the leadership he has seen in his role as High-Level Climate Champion, the rise of B-Corps, and the importance of increasing the resilience of communities across the world. This episode is hosted by James Cameron, a Friend of COP26 and Senior Adviser to SYSTEMIQ. James is also a Senior Adviser to Pollination, Tulchan, and various other companies. He is also a Non-Executive Director to the Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust (ORIT) and Crown Agents and served as Chairman of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). He is also an entrepreneur, barrister, and mentor.