Ep. 27 Gordana Biernat: Perception, Reality, And Exploring The Physical World

Conversations On Living - A podcast by Chris Brock


We don’t perceive reality the way it is. We perceive it the way we are. Through the filters of our personality, our ego, our experiences, our circumstances, and myriad other factors, all influencing how we interpret our surroudings and our place in them. Many of these influences which affect our view of the world – and of ourselves – are not us, but baggage that we have acquired along the way. Humans have a natural tendency to focus on all the things that are going wrong, often to the point where we become blind to the positive things that surround us. The beauty, the abundance, the wealth. And we fuel this attention bias by feeding on negativity – the constant consumption of news media, the constant obsessing over our weaknesses and our faults, the constant comparisons and judgement, the constant striving, and the constant focus on everything that we don’t possess, instead of everything that what we do. And life reflects this negativity back to us. The more we focus on the negative, the more we bring it into our lives. The more we behave in a way that feeds it. Our anger breeds more anger. Our outer world becomes a mirror to our inner, and our insecurities become obstacles to our flourishing. But when we learn how to break down these obstacles, we get closer to our true authentic selves, and begin to walk a path through life that is more authentically ours. And as we do so, we get closer to fulfilling our potential, and living a life of joy, happiness and abundance. I spoke about this topic with Gordana Biernat, the author of Know Your Truth: Why Knowing Who You Are Changes Everything. Gordana describes herself as “a writer, a teacher, a keeper of wisdom” and was chosen by Oprah Winfrey as one of her SuperSoul 100 teachers. In this episode of the podcast we talk about how our perception shapes our world, how fear today is rarely reflective of the kind of danger that the emotion was originally designed for, and how we are spiritual beings here to explore the physical reality. Links: Gordana’s website: www.mypowertalk.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/mypowertalk Instagram: www.instagram.com/mypowertalk